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Cours en groupe ou

Tables de conversation

Cours en petits groupes de 3 à 6 personnes pour favoriser le maximum d’ échanges.


L’accès e-learning 24h/24 est offert en plus des cours. Vous vous exercez à souhait en autodidacte à faire des exercices écrits et oraux avec corrigés.

Modules de 20, 30 ou 40 cours.

Début des cours: tous les mois. Possibilités: 1 ou 2 heures / semaine

Cours de jour ou du soir: mardi 16h, 17h ou 20h, jeudi 16h ou 17h ou 20h

Tables de conversation: lundi, mercredi, vendredi 18h.

Cours durant les congés scolaires: tous les jours entre 9h et 17h.



Face to face lessons with online language tutor
Just fix your planning with your online language tutor and follow the courses in the most appropriate conditions ... whenever you want, wherever you want...!

E-Lingui courses are developed on measure according to your wishes or professional needs and objectives.

The e-learning access 24h/7 is offered to you in addition to the courses. You just enter the website with a login and password and train as often as you want.

Group lessons with online language tutor

Small group courses of 3 to 6 trainees with online language tutor. Every trainee takes part to the course.


The e-learning access 24h/7 is offered in addition to the courses. You can train as long as and as often as you want.

Online intensive training :
You wish to learn a foreign language quickly? You need a online language tutor who will intensively  train you  and help you overcome your language difficulties in a very short period of time.

On measure courses developed according to your needs and objectives.

The e-learning access 24h/7 is offered to you in addition to the courses. You just enter the website with a login and password and train as often as you want.

Online evening courses
Group courses in the evening from home, office or elsewhere.

Also face to face courses  in the  evening; you arrange your planning with the your online language teacher.