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On s entend, on se voit, on écrit sur un tableau blanc (chat) avec accès possible à de nombreux documents vidéos et audio afin d apprendre et assimiler les « pratiques » de la langue, ces petites tournures ou expressions qui changent tout dans les conversations et relations avec les autres& .

Sans oublier l accès e-learning 24h/7 où vous vous exercez seul à volonté.

E-Lingui vous offre réellement un apprentissage complet et efficace pour un minimum d investissements en temps, énergie et argent.

N attendez plus et inscrivez-vous on line& pour apprendre une langue en vous amusant. J

E-Lingui.com e-learning

also offers you the possibility to learn languages at home / office, or indeed wherever you want, whenever you want. Imagine being able to learn the theoretical part of the language at your own pace from home with your computer : grammar, vocabulary and various exercises with keys, videos, articles, multiple choices and even games ... are provided to you through courses edited on the web. These courses are accessible 24 hours / 24 hours, 7 days/7 .


You can access these courses 24h/24, 7 days/7 and 365 days / year, whenever you want and wherever you want (from home, the office, from London, Pekin or Bombay...  


Once you feel ready you can arrange an appointment with your teacher on the web and have a live conversation with him / her. In this way you can put into practice what you have just learned.

Isn't it that great ?



· Learn languages in the most comfortable and effective way

· with the most developed means.

· No loss of time.

· Access to « live » documents.

· Build language fluency in a very short period of time.


We can see and hear each other, we can write on a white board, we have access to numerous video documents in order to assimilate the target language and its typical expressions which change « everything » in everyday conversations.

We can do so from home in New-York or from China. No waste of time, or energy, no loss of money, no traffic jams. It’s funny and enjoyable!

